Adresse: Brückenweg 5/Haus 51, 47551 Bedburg-Hau, Deutschland.
Telefon: 28219970150.

Spezialitäten: Schule.
Andere interessante Daten: Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang, Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz.
Bewertungen: Dieses Unternehmen hat 17 Bewertungen auf Google My Business.
Durchschnittliche Meinung: 2.9/5.


Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einer Scientific Freshers-Einrichtung in Deutschland Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig

Scientific Freshers ist eine Schule, die sich durch ihre hervorragende Ausbildung und ihr Engagement für die Schüler auszeichnet. Die Schule befindet sich in einer bequemen Lage im Herzen von Bedburg-Hau und ist behindertenfreundlich.

Die Adresse von Scientific Freshers lautet: Brückenweg 5/Haus 51, 47551 Bedburg-Hau, Deutschland. Die Schule verfügt über einen rollstuhlgerechten Eingang und Parkplatz, um den Zugang für alle zu erleichtern.

Wenn Sie weitere Informationen über Scientific Freshers wünschen, können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden. Unser Telefonnummer lautet: 28219970150.

Auf unserer Website finden Sie weitere Informationen zu unseren Leistungen und Angeboten. Leider haben wir aktuell keine eigene Website, aber wir arbeiten daran.

Es ist auch möglich, uns auf Google My Business zu bewerten. Aktuell hat Scientific Freshers 17 Bewertungen auf Google My Business mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 2.9/5.

Wir sind stolz darauf, eine Schule zu sein, die sich durch ihre Spezialisierung und ihr Engagement für die Schüler auszeichnet. Wir sind bestrebt, unseren Schülern eine qualitativ hochwertige Ausbildung zu bieten, die sie auf ihre zukünftigen Karrieren vorbereitet.

Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren, wenn Sie weitere Informationen über unsere Schule wünschen. Wir freuen uns darauf, von Ihnen zu hören Besuchen Sie uns auf unserer Website oder rufen Sie uns an.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bald in unserer Schule willkommen zu heißen


Ryan Hans

Im writing this review in english so that any of you planning to come to GIC for the program really understand what's at stake here. First of all I want to emphasize that this is not a studienkolleg. Many agents of the consultancies seem also unsure of this fact. It was only after I reached Germany that I came to know this. But it's not a bad thing that this is not a studienkolleg, moreover you'll find it easier to go through this program than to do an actuall studienkolleg.

The next thing I want to emphasize is to do your own research. Your agencies are not a good source of information, in my opinion. EVERYONE who came here share the same opinion too. If you're coming to Germany because you feel it's harder in your home country, it's not that different here either. The fact that you have to learn a whole new language from scratch in under an year and then start your course in German is not easy to say the least and GIC is not located in the most ideal of places to learn a language in the sense that, GIC is in a secluded area of Kleve. Dont get me wrong, the place is beautiful and peaceful, but, in my opinion, theres little to no opportunities to interact with others out of GIC. So please do only make a concise decision after weighing the risks and benefits and you as a person. There are just a handful who went through the program successfully, and I am not one of them. I had to take another language course to finally get into Hochschule Niederrhein. But it's not to say that there are no other options. There are always other options here, but it's best if you think that this is the only way until the end so you dont lose sight of your goal.

I was part of the 2021/2022 Winter semester batch and was fortunate enough to get into the university which the GIC program offered, even though I had to go through other ways outside of GIC to reach there. I, too, passed my language exam (Telc C1 Hochschule) and the engineering exam (TestAS). It took me around a year and a half to achieve this. Of the two universities that GIC provides, namely Hochschule Bielefeld and Hochschule Niederrhein, I got into the latter. But things were not that smooth when I was there, but surely enough, GIC actually tried to change to compensate for their mistakes. GIC is not the same as before. They are constantly changing and trying to improve. Their teachers are some of the most amazing teachers I have met and the student team who helps with the burocracy, too. They were ready to help me even though I was out of the program whenever I asked. I still keep in contact with the GIC team even now. And if you have a problem, always ask and reach out, there are a lot of people who can help you. Living in Germany might be a totally new experience for a lot of you reading this, and that includes all the new things you will experience. And the fact that you will have to take care of everything including, financing, paperwork, studies once youre out of GICs program and so own sounds a bit overwhelming but if you feel like youre up for this, then welcome. It's harsh to say, but Germany might not be the right choice for everyone. So make sure you know what you're signing up for.

Selene thefas

Would not even give 1 star
The one who is responsible for tenancy is horrible!
Could not be trusted at all
Stealing deposit money from students.
First they say A, then later they say B.
Whatever agreement made between company and you might turned down by the employee.
They would argue that the previous employee has made a mistakes and resigned, for their own benefit!
Even if it is a written agreement..
What a shame..
This management team is horrible!
Be careful before you deal with this company!

Noam C

The dormitory is dirty and noisy. Many students are ill-manners. Staff are not helpful. Even if you complain, they would not care. Some student's kaution was not refunded. Terrible!

Udah Jam

Place was dirty.
Lot of thief stealing food.
Even once thief broke in and steal stuffs!
Heater was not even warm.
Troubled management with a lot of issues related to Kaution (deposits).

Amal Baiju

Very very poor . Don’t waste money here

Asekomeh Toby

It looks peaceful


ebin raphy

Go up